The future of cars is expected to include:
Cars will be able to exchange information with the outside world, including traffic ,weather, and
accidents .They will also be able to communicate with other vehicles and infrastructure .passengers will have access to online services like wi-fi, cloud. media. and entertainment.
Autonomous driving:
cars will be able to drive themselves, including self-parking and adaptive cruise control.
Electric and hybrid vehicles:
Cars will be more eco-friendly, with electric and hybrid vehicles becoming more common.
AI and connectivity features:
luxury vehicles will include advanced navigation, seamless connectivity, and other AI features:
Sonic technology:
sonic technology will help vehicles achieve a cruising range of 1,000 km.
Aerodynamic performance;
AI will support aerodynamic performance, and designers will focus on natural sensibility.
Noise canceling:
noise canceling abilities will improve concentration and enhance the listening experience: